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Frequently Asked Questions

Here we offer resources that we have found helpful in the past.
Common Questions Answered at Our Meetings


​How soon will I get my prosthetic?


How long does it take to learn to walk?


How soon can I start driving?


How long does phantom limb pain last?


What can I do to help phantom limb pain?


Stop by our monthly meeting to learn more.

Choosing an Orthotist/Prosthetist
Consider the following while searching for the best prosthetist to serve your needs:
Does the company have a good reputation and are they vested in the community?
Do they accept your insurance and do they offer options for payment plans?
How much training and experience does the orthotist/prosthetist have with your type of amputation?
Is he or she board certified?
Is the company/facility accredited through either the American Board for Certification in Orthotics/Prosthetics (ABC) or Board for Orthotics/Prosthetics Certification (BOC)?
Is there someone I can contact in case of an emergency?
Your physician or therapist may be able to recommend an orthotist/prosthetist but remember the decision is ultimately YOURS



Amputee Coalition of America

Personal Affects-Personal Training for Fellow Amputees

Challenged Athletes Foundation

Amputee Peer Support

Yoga For Amputees

I AMputees

Abled Amputees of America

Amputee OT

Resource List


Amputee Colition of America


Limbs for Life


Abled Amputees of America


Oregon Disability Sports


One Shoe Bank from Nike

This is a free service from Nike. They offer shoes for amputees from the following categories: Tennis, Running, Basketball and Cross Training. To inquire please call at 1-800-344-6453 (press 5 and then press 9 to talk to operator) and a Consumer Specialist will be available to assist you.




Stories about amputation and recovery- You Tube link to 4 videos of the Portland Group


Amputee OT Channel on You Tube (search "AmputeeOT"


AMPOWER-Empowering Amputees


Adventures Without Limits


Adaptive Sports NW



Different Spokes



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