Amputee Resource Meeting of Portland
An Oregon Amputee Support Group
Title. Double click me.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here we offer resources that we have found helpful in the past.
Common Questions Answered at Our Meetings
​How soon will I get my prosthetic?
How long does it take to learn to walk?
How soon can I start driving?
How long does phantom limb pain last?
What can I do to help phantom limb pain?
Stop by our monthly meeting to learn more.
Choosing an Orthotist/Prosthetist
Consider the following while searching for the best prosthetist to serve your needs:
Does the company have a good reputation and are they vested in the community?
Do they accept your insurance and do they offer options for payment plans?
How much training and experience does the orthotist/prosthetist have with your type of amputation?
Is he or she board certified?
Is the company/facility accredited through either the American Board for Certification in Orthotics/Prosthetics (ABC) or Board for Orthotics/Prosthetics Certification (BOC)?
Is there someone I can contact in case of an emergency?
Your physician or therapist may be able to recommend an orthotist/prosthetist but remember the decision is ultimately YOURS
Amputee Coalition of America
Personal Affects-Personal Training for Fellow Amputees
Challenged Athletes Foundation
Amputee Peer Support
Yoga For Amputees
I AMputees
Abled Amputees of America
Amputee OT
Resource List
Amputee Colition of America
Limbs for Life
Abled Amputees of America
Oregon Disability Sports
One Shoe Bank from Nike
This is a free service from Nike. They offer shoes for amputees from the following categories: Tennis, Running, Basketball and Cross Training. To inquire please call at 1-800-344-6453 (press 5 and then press 9 to talk to operator) and a Consumer Specialist will be available to assist you.
Stories about amputation and recovery- You Tube link to 4 videos of the Portland Group
Amputee OT Channel on You Tube (search "AmputeeOT"
AMPOWER-Empowering Amputees
Adventures Without Limits
Adaptive Sports NW
Different Spokes